
Sunday, October 19, 2014

On-The-Run Terrorist Group ISIS Seizes Non-Existent Stockpile Of WMDs In The ‘Over’ Iraq War

The Iraq War is supposed to be “ended,” or so the administration claimed, but the heavily armed “terrorist army” ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) is rampaging through Iraq and has taken control of a chemical weapons complex. The Telegraph reports:

The jihadist group bringing terror to Iraq overran a Saddam Hussein chemical weapons complex on Thursday, gaining access to disused stores of hundreds of tonnes of potentially deadly poisons including mustard gas and sarin.

Isis invaded the al-Muthanna mega-facility 60 miles north of Baghdad in a rapid takeover that the US government said was a matter of concern.

The facility was notorious in the 1980s and 1990s as the locus of Saddam’s industrial scale efforts to develop a chemical weapons development programme.

As reports have stated before, there were “wmds” in Iraq, but there has been dispute over how dangerous they were, and speculation that the most toxic and potent chemical weapons were smuggled to Syria. About that:

Isis has shown ambitions to seize and use chemical weapons in Syria leading experts to warn last night that the group could turn to improvised weapons to carry out a deadly attack in Iraq.

Even CNN reported that these chemical weapons were still “dangerous.” Wait, wasn’t that the rationale for the Iraq invasion? Preventing terrorist groups like the Sunni extremists in ISIS from getting their hands on wmds? Even old chemical weapons containing mustard or sarin could be improvised for explosive devices.

There are links to more articles below. They report about the non-existent yellowcake uranium that, according to Joe Wilson, Saddam didn’t have. I printed them to PDF’s several years ago in case they became too hot and were taken down. One is still on Funny, I never heard about it from CNN broad cast network!!  Four more were posted on the Internet sites of TIME, MSNBC, CBS and The New York Times. Don’t recall any of them reporting it on the air either. If I'm mistaken, perhaps someone can refresh my memory. 

If push comes to shove they can say they actually did report it. Yeah, but they hid it. I’m a bit surprised that they’re still on the internet.

We just can’t believe the leftists about anything.

Never forget: Dogs bark, snakes wiggle, buzzards vomit and leftists lie. It’s just their nature, according to Sen. H.L. Richardson, Ret.

Christopher Columbus: Criminal Or Anti-Caliphate Explorer?

Revisionist historians on too many of America’s college campuses – and most of the political left in this country for that matter – have painted a picture of Christopher Columbus the criminal, caricatured as a Spanish conquistador hell-bent on merciless destruction.

Every October, the debate begins over whether or not Columbus Day should be renamed, replaced, or outright abolished. The argument goes that honoring Christopher Columbus is condoning the rape, murder, and exploitation of the Americas and the indigenous peoples who lived here. Much is made over colonial imperialism and the imposition of “western civilization” on the native culture.

Was this the real Christopher Columbus? Was his 1492 voyage the beginning of America’s evil and imperialist history?

The answer will surprise you.

For starters, Columbus was neither Spanish, nor a conquistador. He was an Italian explorer who was determined to circumnavigate the globe to find an alternative trade route to India and China. By the fifteen century (1400s), Europe’s economy was beginning to expand considerably, and international trade was on the rise. The rise of Christianity, what most people regarded as a faith of reason, led to incredible scientific and economic advances that began lifting European standards of living. Additional income meant more consumerism, which led to increased trade across Europe and into Asia. Trade routes spanned across western Europe and through what was then called the Byzantine Empire, which was also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, and across the Bosporus River near Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) into Asia.

The rise of the Ottoman Empire, which was raised out of an earlier Islamic caliphate, effectively cut-off these trade routes to “Christianized” western European nation-states. By sacking Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman Empire effectively ended the Byzantine Empire, and established Islamic law in what is now modern-day Turkey. At the same time, Moorish kings still controlled the Iberian peninsula, on which are the nations of Spain and Portugal. With much of North Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Iberian Peninsula under control of what was, effectively, a caliphate, European nations were largely cut-off from trade routes to Asia.

That’s what Christopher Columbus aimed to remedy with his famous voyage.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Will There Be An Ebola Outbreak In America?

In the Digital Age, infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola are brought into our lives through our smart phones, tablets and laptops and we can easily access and quickly analyze the information we receive. As Americans get smarter and more savvy about how to sort through the kind of fear-based rhetoric that sells newspapers, we are able to better assess exactly what is going on with Ebola in Africa and the U.S. and ask good questions about what we are seeing.

Inquiring minds want to know the truth about why Ebola hemorrhagic fever has landed on American soil. Unfortunately, Congress and officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homeland Security are having a hard time coming up with answers that do not raise more questions.

More at:

Get accurate info on Candidates before you vote

Elections are just around the corner, and it can be very difficult to know how to vote, especially with all of the ad campaigns and false promises.

In today's Founders' Friday audio series we've invited Matt Kittle from to share some great online resources that you can use to really find out who each candidate is, their voting record, where they get their campaign money from, and much more.

Click here to listen now.

You can also copy and paste the address below into your browser.

Power Plant Closures

So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008

More than 72 gigawatts (GW) of electrical generating capacity have already, or are now set to retire because of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations. The regulations causing these closures include the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (colloquially called MATS, or Utility MACT)[1], proposed Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)[2], and the proposed regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.


To put 72 GW in perspective, that is enough electrical generation capacity to reliably power 44.7 million homes[3]—or every home in every state west of the Mississippi River, excluding Texas.[4] In other words, EPA is shutting down enough generating capacity to power every home in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Over 94 percent these retirements will come from generating units at coal-fired power plants, shuttering over one-fifth of the U.S.’s coal-fired generating capacity.[5] While some of the effected units will be converted to use new fuels, American families and businesses will pay the price with higher utility bills and less reliability for their electricity.

This report is an update of a report we first issued in October 2011.[6]  In the original report, we calculated that 28.3 GW of generating capacity would close as a result of EPA’s regulations. At the time, we warned, “…This number will grow as plant operators continue to release their EPA compliance plans.” Unfortunately, this statement has proven to be true and will continue to grow in the future as new EPA regulations continue to be released. This latest update shows that 72.7 GW of electrical generating capacity will now close—a 44.4 GW increase.

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