
Friday, March 14, 2014

Anti-Freedom Physicians, Policemen, And Pastors

The State Police spokesman for Connecticut, Lt. Paul Vance, shouted over the phone at a citizen who had called to question how law enforcement personnel in Connecticut were going to enforce the newly-enacted gun ban by screaming, “I don’t want to talk about the Constitution, Ma’am, at all, at all.” When reminded by the caller that police officers were servants of the people, the lieutenant yelled, “I’m the master, Ma’am, I’m the master.”

It is an unfortunate reality that the attitude depicted by Lt. Vance is shared by thousands of police officers throughout the nation. The “us-versus-them” mentality seems to permeate law enforcement. And, of course, the “them” in question is the citizenry that policemen are supposed to serve. Examples of Gestapo-like tactics being employed by various police personnel are growing like wildfire. If you are not afraid to be illuminated by the truth, I challenge you to Google “police abuse” and see what comes up. But I caution you: what you will discover will shock and anger you.

More and more innocent people are being shot and killed by trigger-happy cops who have seemingly adopted a “shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later” philosophy. It is to the point that the American people need to seriously begin lobbying lawmakers and judges to severely restrict “no knock” arrest warrants and to begin severely punishing these rogue, out-of-control policemen. If something isn’t done quickly, what is now rogue behavior will soon morph into routine behavior.

And, of course, I haven’t even addressed the militarization of most all of America’s law enforcement agencies, including county and municipal police agencies. More and more, our policemen and sheriff’s deputies are looking like soldiers, not peace officers.

Not all of our policemen share this anti-Second Amendment, us-versus-them, “I’m the master” mentality. Thank God! Lawmen in states that heavily support the right of the people to keep and bear arms are mostly very gun-friendly. However, in larger cities and in states that are less gun-friendly, the trend in law enforcement is ominous.

Finally, another group of leaders who should be among the most supportive voices of our Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, is America’s pastors. And, once again, the majority of these men seem to be either utterly indifferent to the Second Amendment or downright adamant in opposing it.

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