
Monday, March 31, 2014

Famous Republicans Targeted For Dumpster

Tea party 'as much a rebellion against the Big Government Republicans' as liberal Dems.

A conservative giant in Washington, D.C., has written a brand-new book that certainly won’t increase his chances of getting invited to cocktail parties inside the Beltway.

Known as the “funding father of conservatism,” Richard Viguerie’s “Takeover: The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It” takes sides in what he describes as a century-old war for the soul of the Republican Party.

Set to be published on April 8 by WND Books, it offers a blueprint for how liberty-loving, small government conservatives can win the battle against big-government Republicans.

“Every day you read another story about [how] a candidate for the tea party has embraced becoming the target of the entrenched Republican Party leadership and mindset, and I believe my book offers a practical outline for how principled conservatives can make the stand to finally win this fight,” Viguerie told WND.
In “Takeover,” Viguerie – who in the 1960s and ’1970s pioneered the use of direct mail as a means for conservatives to bypass the liberal media – dares to name names when discussing the big-government Republicans waging the war on the tea party movement and other advocates of limited government.

An appendix to the book presents Viguerie’s view of those whose defeat or abandonment “would advance the cause of conservative governance.”

Target No. 1 is Karl Rove

Viguerie writes that Karl Rove “has grown wealthy by promoting the idea that content-free campaigns, rather than conservative principles, are the path to victory for the Republican Party.”
“His record of 22 losses to 9 wins in 2012 shows the folly of the Republican establishment in following Rove’s advice.”
Other members of the gallery include Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, one-time vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan and a man, Viguerie writes, who “seems to relish in antagonizing conservatives,” Sen. John McCain.

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