
Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Attack on Americanism!

It seems lately there is no end to the stories highlighting what appears to be an all-out attack on Americanism.
A school district in Sioux Falls, SD has decided that the Pledge of Allegiance is more of a bother than its worth. The school board voted 5-0 to stop the Pledge of Allegiance from being recited in high school because they can’t find the 15 seconds to do it. One of the board members told the news source that in high school there is very little time in the mornings or afternoon to pull it off. Can you say LIAR?!
These people need to be recalled. Let’s say, for argument’s sake, it takes 2 minutes start to finish, from the kids getting on their feet, to saying it, and then sitting back down. Two minutes. Do 2 minutes less of morning news. Cut the lunch period by 2 minutes. Cut sex education by 2 minutes. How about we just shut down the school all together, then we have all day to do it?
Do these administrators and educators understand that what the pledge stands for and what the flag stands for is what gives them the right to be idiots? The freedoms these things represent include people dying for them in other countries!
Then these yo-hos go on to say that the pledge will have more meaning if we only do it once in a while. Really? How does that work? You mean I’ll understand something and learn it better if I’m not as exposed to it and don’t do it as often?

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