
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Obama’s War On Coal Is Devastating Small Communities

The harm caused by EPA’s regulatory assault on the coal industry is spreading to communities throughout coal country. Miners in West Virginia and Kentucky were the first to feel the consequences of President Obama’s war on coal when they lost their jobs as the industry responds to plummeting utility demand for coal.

According to SNL Financial, more than 25,000 miner jobs were lost since 2011.

Now utility workers and their surrounding communities are feeling the impact as power companies close coal-fired power plants in response to a series of EPA regulations issued during Obama’s first term. Utility executives are finding it cheaper to close plants instead of retrofitting them to comply with EPA’s regulatory mandates.

A story in the Charleston Daily Mail describes the economic impact to the town of Louisa, KY as it prepares to deal with the planned closure of the Big Sandy power plant.

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