
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Summarizing Benghazi: Terrorists Were There To Kill Americans

God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless. “~Chester W. Nimitz

This Sunday evening, CBS aired the show 60 Minutes which featured Lara Logan speaking about Benghazi.  Logan interviewed a British witness who was there and saw the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens at the local hospital that was under Al Qaida control.  The witness and Logan described concerns that Stevens had about lack of security at the compound in Benghazi.

I have been researching Benghazi and gathering information since last October.  Much of the information has been reported on and available since day one, and some even from before the attacks.

From a report dated September 12, 2012, I wrote in my notes that “it was clear there were no U.S. Marines protecting Chris Stevens and his staff at the Benghazi compound the night of the attack. Its routine for Marines to be posted to U.S. diplomatic outposts, but the compound in Benghazi was not protected by Marines. One would think that with the upcoming anniversary of 9/11, there would extra security sent to places in Islamic controlled countries.”

On the 13th of September a report from TIMES US said, “The ‘interim’ facility in Benghazi apparently was defended only by a handful of U.S. security officers and local hires. The Marines have let it be known that the two unidentified U.S. officials who died at Benghazi were not Marines.”

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