
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Common Core Proponent Arne Duncan–Keep Poking The (Suburban Mom) Bears!

Common Core Warriors all over the nation are always watching, reading and learning more about the Common Core. Just when you think you know everything you will ever need to know about education, standards, pedagogy and teaching techniques something comes along and you find yourself on another track altogether.

There are also days and weeks that we can’t help but to place blame. We blame people, administrations, ideologies, and entire eras of education reform.

There is a special place in the blame game of a lot of Common Core Warriors, though. That place is exclusively reserved for Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education.  Why does he get claim to the immovable spot on our radar that will always loathe him?

Simply put, he can’t seem to keep his ignorant opinions from spewing forth out of his Joker (ala Batman) mouth.

Just in case we activists on the front lines of education ever get weary and wonder why we are doing this, Arne Duncan steps forward and reminds us of the very reason we are fighting to loosen the clutches of federal government hacks on our school children nationwide.

More at:

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