
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


A series of sermons by David Moyer
Pastor Beacon Baptist Church


Matthew 7:24-25

24 Therefore   
whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

The Sense Of The Scripture Is Plain. The "Rock" Jesus Speaks Of Are The Very Words That Came Out Of His Mouth. Building Upon This Rock Means That One Is Wise; And Building Upon This Rock Makes One Wiser. Now, The Scripture Here Speaks Of The Word Of God. Many Believe That The Words Spoken Of Here Are Only Found In The “Original” Manuscripts Recorded By The Old And New Testament Writers. However Bible Believers Who Trust In The Preservation Of God's Words Know That Matthew 7:24-25 Also Speaks Of The Words We Have Today (Kjv). However For The Purpose Of This Portion Of Our Series We Will Look At The Copies Of The Original O.T. Scriptures To See Where The "Rock" Is. We Will See If Our King James Bible Is Wisely Translated From A "Rock" Or Sinking "Sand." And We Will See If The Modern Versions Are Translated From A "Rock" Or The Soft Foundation Of "Sand."

TRANSLATION DEFINED:  The act of turning into another language.

In Translation You Cannot Start With Nothing And Finish With Something; You Must Have A Foundation. Inspiration Is What Created That Foundation. Inspiration Begins With God And Creates The Foundation For Preservation. 2timothy 3:16 Says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:." If One Doesn't Accept Bible Inspiration Then One Will Never Accept Bible Preservation.

Preservation Defined:  The act of preserving or keeping safe; the act of keeping from injury, destruction or decay.

The "Originals" Are Long Gone. Copies Are All That Remain. However Mere Copies Will Not Do For The Word Of God To Be Perfectly Preserved For Today! Why? The Answer Is Simple. With The O.T. Originally Written And Copied Primarily In Hebrew And The N.T. Originally Written And Copied In Greek, They Are Two Separate Volumes. There Is Not One Volume In One Vulgar Or Common Tongue Of Today.

Furthermore There Are Differences In Copies Made From The Originals. Note The Chart Below:

These Copies Are The Foundation Upon Which All Translations Are Made. During The Course Of Our Study We Shall Discover Exactly What Copies The Kjv Translators Were Using In 1611 And What Copies The Translators Of Today Are Using.

There Is A Text For The O.T. And There Is A Text For The N.T. These Texts Are Broken Down Into Two Other Basic Categories; One For Each Of The Two Texts. We Will, For The Intent Of This Portion Of Our Series, Study On The Two Sets Of Texts For The O.T.


The Rock Or The Sand?

What O.T. Text Does Our King James Bible Rest Upon? From Which Was It Translated? Is It The "Rock" Or Is It The "Sand?"

The Blessed Old King James Bible Is Based Upon The Ben Chayim Edition Of What Is Called The 'Masoretic Text.' The Word 'Masoretic' Comes From The Hebrew Word 'Masor' Which Means 'Traditional.'

The Masoretes Were Jewish Men From Palestine, Babylon, And Tiberius Who Correctly Handed Down The Word Of God From Generation To Generation. They Guarded And Kept The Traditional  Text. The Chart Below Helps To Understand How And When The Masoretes Copied The O.T. Scriptures.

 To be continued

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