
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Let’s Be Honest: Christmas’ ‘Problem’ Is Not The Offense Of The Manger

To my unbelieving friends at Christmas:

My wish is that you would consider the source of your antagonism toward observant Christians. Unless you’re a major shareholder in Radio Shack or Barnes & Noble, why should you care if we prefer to shop with other companies that aren’t so Christo-phobic? OK, so we’re hung up about “Merry Christmas” over “Happy Holidays”. Then just write us off as people who can’t take a joke.

If you really think Christianity is just a bunch of stuff and nonsense, then why should any of this matter to you at all? Because that’s not really what it’s all about.

As Jeff “You Know You’re a Redneck When” Foxworthy declared a few years ago when hosting the County Music awards, “We sing about God because we believe in Him. We are not trying to offend anybody, but the evidence that we have seen of Him in our small little lives trumps your opinion about whether or not He exists.”

Right. The operative word is “trying.” We’re not trying to offend you. But we do. We really can’t help it. And let me suggest a reason why: It’s not the babe in the manger or the shepherds or the wise men or even the nativity scenes on public property that cause you to be so offended. It’s what they all lead up to and portend.

It’s the offense of the Cross. Jesus, son of God, was born to die for sinners. Talk about politically incorrect. You know instinctively that honoring Jesus is to dishonor sinners. Think about it: Nobody naturally wants to believe that their sin is so bad as to require an atoning sacrifice so extreme as that paid by Jesus in such excruciating fashion. It’s like the horror of hell. And that’s the red flag that the babe in the Christmas manger waves in your face, is it not?

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