
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

6-Year-Old Boy Suspended From Colorado School For Sexual Harrassment

I’ll say it again, sending your children to public schools is quickly becoming child abuse due to the complete idiocy and lack of common sense of school administrators.

A 6-year-old boy has been suspended from a Colorado school for kissing a girl on the cheek.

School officials in Canon City are accusing the boy of sexual harassment and they want it on his school record.

The boy’s mother tells KRDO-TV ( ) her son was suspended once before for kissing the girl and had disciplinary problems, but the girl did not object to being kissed.

More at: Over 700 comments here

Where do these idiots get off. I worked as a contractor at an USAF base in SE Asia several years ago. The USAF policy there was "If a male is accused of sexual harassment by a female he IS guilty. She doesn't have to prove anything". There was a female contractor in my shop that really liked to use sexually explicit language. We weren't exactly on friendly terms. I felt that I needed to walk on egg shells around her. During one of her sexually explicit tirades if I'd angered her enough she may have accused me of sexual harassment to get even. The United States Air Force would then have pronounced me guilty and demanded that I be fired. When returning to the states I could have possibly faced legal charges. Win or lose, that charge would follow me wherever I go. I stayed as far away from her as possible, especially if there were no others in the area. Needless to say, when they moved her to a different location several guys in the shop were relieved.

We seem to live in a really stupid culture these days. Children and adults can have their reputations ruined simply because some teachers, administrators or USAF brass are incapable of intelligent thought.

I'm adding a couple of YouTube links that tell of much younger children being accused for doing what kids have done throughout eternity. Just being sweet kids!!!! Much better than being little brats.

Sexual Harassment Hysteria in Lower Education, Part 1 (21.22 Min)

Sexual Harassment Hysteria in Lower Education, Part 2 (26.26 Min)

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