
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chumley Says He Will Fight Ethics Allegations

S.C. Rep. Bill Chumley will finally get his day in court before the House Ethics Committee – two days before Christmas.

While the 10-member committee was meeting behind closed doors for several hours Tuesday afternoon on an unrelated ethics case, Chumley's attorney said he was notified by his law firm staff that the committee had scheduled a hearing for the Spartanburg County Republican on Monday at 9:30 a.m.

“We wanted to handle it today, but that did not work for Rep. Chumley,” Rep.  Kenny Bingham, R-Lexington and the committee chairman, told The Nerve in a written response after Tuesday’s meeting. “Next Monday works for Rep. Chumley and I can get a quorum to conduct the hearing because the attorneys don’t have court.”

“We’re anxious to get the matter concluded, and we’ve been anxious since June,” Chumley’s attorney, Reese Boyd, told The Nerve Tuesday afternoon.

As of last week, Chumley’s case was on the agenda for Tuesday’s committee meeting at the Blatt Building on the State House grounds, but it was removed from the agenda Monday after Bingham said Chumley had requested a hearing, which typically involves witness testimony.

Bingham told The Nerve in a written response Monday night that the Ethics Committee can “take action without conducting a hearing,” noting, “Generally speaking, hearings are only conducted when there are facts that are in dispute.”

“Based on my discussion … with counsel for the committee, we requested a hearing on a timely basis,” Boyd said Tuesday, though he declined further comment.

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