
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Young And Healthy? Be Ready To Pay Up

Now that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is actually being implemented, many Americans are not pleased with the law. One population of Americans that has begun to grasp the real import of ObamaCare on their lives is young adults. These people are the ones hardest hit by the law: Although they are currently least able to pay for the rising costs of health care, they are the most healthy and so have been made to subsidize health care for the older and less healthy populations.

So, what should we have known about the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the young and healthy adult population in South Carolina before we took federal funds to implement it?

What once stayed between you and your doctor will now go in a database.

The concept of doctor patient confidentiality is a wash. The data hub created under the the ACA will allow federal bureaucrats access to medical records through the patient’s insurance company. The insurance company will obviously get access to your medical records through your physician, who gets it from you. Answers to simple questions – do you smoke? do you drink? do you use, or have you ever used, illegal drugs? – and many others like these will all be available to the government. What choice do people have, then? They can tell the truth and fear what unknown consequences will stem from their responses, or they can in effect lie to their physician in order to protect their privacy. The latter option could lead to a host of problems – doctors may, for instance, find it difficult or impossible to properly treat some medical problems.

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