
Monday, December 2, 2013

We Still Have It Too Good To Care

Workforce participation rate is at an all time low, 47 million Americans rely on Food Stamps for their daily bread (and two-thirds of Americans are getting plenty, because they’re either overweight or obese), millions of Americans are losing their health insurance and millions more have simply stopped looking for employment.

Yet I know this is still the greatest nation on Earth because in California, people have time to really, really worry about the habitat of the delta smelt. So much so, that conservationists have been willing to shut off the water supply to some of the state’s most fertile farmland. Nearly a million acres are going unplanted. Unemployment is up to 35 percent in some areas, and farmers are losing over a billion dollars in revenue — but that’s ok! The habitat of the little delta smelt is preserved.

Obviously, if we really had it bad in America, we’d have to worry about more important things, like the collapse of the black family in the inner city, or the danger of Islamic terrorists slipping into our country. But we’ve got better things to worry about!

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