
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pro-Choice Nursing Student Changes Her Mind After Witnessing An Abortion

A pro-choice student nurse began having doubts about her position after witnessing an abortion. Author Jeff Lane Hensley quotes her in his book “The Zero People.” This book contains pro-life essays on abortion from various writers.

“I was for abortion, I thought it was a woman’s right to terminate pregnancy she did not want. Now I’m not so sure. I am a student nurse nearing the end of my OB-GYN rotation at a major metropolitan hospital and teaching center. It wasn’t until I saw what abortion really involves that I changed my mind. After the first week in the abortion clinic several people in my clinical group were shaky about their previously positive feelings about abortion. This new attitude resulted from our actually seeing a Prostaglandin abortion, one similar in nature to the widely used saline abortion. This method is being used for terminations of pregnancies of sixteen weeks and over.

A prostaglandin abortion was done by inducing labor before viability. The contractions that a woman would go through through were very strong. They were painful for the mother. Babies who were aborted with this method were often delivered with bruises over their entire bodies.

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