
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tell Congress: No More Air Taxes For Travelers!

Did you know on an average $300 roundtrip ticket, 20% of the total cost goes to Washington D.C.? Yup commercial air travel is in the same federal tax bracket as “sin goods” like tobacco or alcohol. In total, the aviation industry and its customers are subject to 17 separate taxes and fees, equating to $19 billion in costs in 2012 alone; all this being done to an industry that has lost nearly $50 billion and a third of its workforce since 2001. Now it looks like Washington is looking to increase fees once again, and we think that’s an unfair burden being placed on the traveling public.

As part of a potential budget deal, Congress is seeking to double the current Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Passenger Security Tax from $2.50 to $5, and the White House proposes tripling the tax. Our trade organization, Airlines for America (A4A), and other industry partners have joined together to oppose yet another tax grab placed squarely on your back. What is even worse is that this plan will not improve airport security – it simply hikes TSA passenger taxes to reduce the budget deficit.  But it will definitely drive up the cost of your air travel.  Let’s be honest, every dollar counts, and every dollar added to the cost of a ticket, makes it a little harder to travel.

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