
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Total Surrender

The budget agreement announced yesterday increases spending, raises taxes, and funds Obamacare for two years. It has the support of President Obama, Harry Reid, and countless Democrats in Washington.

What is Mitch McConnell doing to stop it? Nothing. In fact, McConnell was completely silent on the deal yesterday. 

Mitch McConnell may vote against the deal so he can pretend to be a conservative, but don't be fooled. He wants the deal to pass. He made it clear that he won't fight the Democrats on spending and he forced his party to surrender.

It's so disappointing because now is the perfect time for Republicans to take a stand against Obamacare. The law is very unpopular and Democrats are running for cover. In fact, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) just started a new TV ad distancing herself from Obamacare.

Thanks to your willingness to fight this terrible law, we're winning the debate. But the law isn't going to repeal itself. That will only happen if Republicans take a principled and courageous stand to stop it.

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