
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Right Fix For America: Grass-Roots – The Power Of The People

By Chuck Collins October 16, 2013
Conservatives for Responsible  Government PAC, Inc.
511 1st Ave S, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

In the 2014 elections, we must unmask our national politician’s best-kept secret: that what they see as the be-all and end-all of modern governance, the states, are fast becoming an obsolete political structure.

In the United States, for the first time in many decades, a new generation is coming of age with a lower standard of living than their parents’. They are faced with a choice: continued loss of personal freedoms and a prolonged drift into irrelevance or they can stand up and face the issues head on.

The time is ripe for a national, generational, non-partisan, grass-roots movement to take back our country and our way of life. And before forming a new political party, we should look to the success stories of the many states where there have been numerous advances in the areas of education, health care, flexible employment, border security, gender equality and much, much more, to determine what our national platform might be. We then can bring these solutions to the other states to look critically at these successes to see if they are applicable to their needs.

At times, we conservatives will differ on many issues. These differences should not cause us to splinter into fighting factions trying to get to the same result; they should cause us to pause and come to agreement on the basic issues of where we as a country want to go in the future. We will agree on about 80% or more of the issues facing us. The other 20% can be implemented in the states and allowed to bubble up to the national level at the right time with more robust solutions from which we can choose.

Also, we cannot continue to sacrifice good, solid conservatives because of one perceived mistake in voting. If we continue to do this then we will have no real conservative leadership; we’ll only have the moderates who want to compromise our values away. All of us must remember that only one man has ever lived in this world that did not make a mistake or commit a sin.  We must share with these leaders our frustrations and really support those with a strong conservative service record of supporting us.

We can take our country back to its founding roots where we can experience the freedoms of our ancestors. Many of us do not know what has been lost and need to examine our current political environment and direction to see if we are willing to give up any more of our remaining freedoms.

It is not that our elected leaders are malevolent or incapable of facing this challenge. They simply are not wired to understand the reality of today’s political landscape. It has changed considerably over the last 7 to 12 years. It is naive to expect traditional politicians who have been repeatedly elected for many terms to adequately address issues like resource scarcity, chronic under- or unemployment, border security, educational initiatives that are not working, oil independence, among other global issues that will take decades to resolve at our current stalemated pace.

Today’s solutions need to be grounded in the 50 laboratories (the individual states) that have the flexibility and the will to responsibly meet the needs of their citizens, or they won’t be real solutions at all and those local politicians won’t remain in office. The goods and services that have been provided at the federal level are mediocre, at best, if they work at all!

We cannot afford to continue to be fooled by our leaders’ self-aggrandizing delusion that, in terms of policy making, the federal state is the appropriate vehicle for our times. Our national politicians do not even read the bills they are passing. Nor do they approve the regulations that the non-elected bureaucrats write and implement as laws that we must follow. Our federal representatives have abdicated their primary responsibility which is to represent the people of this great country.

Instead, we must fully embrace what many of us already sense – that we stand at the mid-day of a progressive era in which Americans have a choice to continue to embrace or outright reject. If we continue to embrace the centralization of power at the federal level, we will continue down the path of dependency leading to a laggardly people and, I dare say, within 10 years we will not recognize our country. Or we can stop this madness and embrace the original path of state’s rights with a small federal government and return the United States of America to its rightful place as a national leader on the world stage letting the individual states govern their people.

If we don’t, America risks becoming a stereotype of Europe: a place with good hospitals and millions of people without adequate medical care in a timely manner, lacking in technological leadership in many areas, and many people, at times, with limited access to world-class universities, and generations held back because of parochial worldviews.

We are, strangely, the first generation of citizens that doubt our own political project. A republic that is unique in the world and that still draws people from every country in the world to our shores. Our country still offers anyone, regardless of class or ethnicity, the opportunity to freely succeed in any entrepreneurial endeavor without governmental interference. It is the exceptionalism of the American people that is unique to the world that draws these people to our borders. We will lose this freedom in this generation if we do not stand up now!

There is an old Jewish saying, “If you have only two choices, then choose the third.” The point is not to replace America’s “go along to get along” style of leadership with a dictatorship of the young. The point is to focus this movement – it must be carried by all those who, regardless of their age, agree that we must shift more power to the rising youth as citizen-legislators so we can successfully reduce the debt and governmental burdens with which we are saddling our future generations.

These younger Americans have grown up in austerity, having to cut budgets and who are digital natives. Unlike our leaders today, they are well adapted to an increasingly rapid pace of change, and their instinct is to use the most innovative and cost-effective methods to achieve the goals of the American people.

In America, politics has become much too about individual personalities, careers and partisanship, and too little about what produces tangible results. Rather than bickering over whose federal policies are preferable, we need an “American” effort to determine our best practices in every field and adopt them principally to external objects, such as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce with taxation restricted to only these. Thus, in limiting the reach of the federal government into every citizen’s life, restores the liberties and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the state.

From the 50 laboratories mentioned earlier, we can determine, on a national level, which models offer the experience of which tested improvements to the human condition are successful, scalable and applicable to the national population. We have never allowed this to happen in our country’s existence. One recent idea, health care at a state level, was thought to be applicable at the national level without looking at its successes or failures, and without looking at whether the idea was scalable to the national level. We currently have an unworkable health care program that was never carefully thought out or debated to see which features were applicable or affordable. The rules are still being written and no one knows where our health care rules and regulations are going to take us. There is no accountability for these rules and regulations.

America will not be changed by the elections of 2014. It will only change when freedom-minded politicians who are elected to the federal legislature agree to transfer many of the powers the federal government has usurped back to the states, where they rightfully belong.

We need our politicians to know that we no longer buy their federal bluff, that we don’t share their fear of ‘we, the people don’t know what we’re doing.’ If we continue moving more toward the federal state, our current state legislatures and elected officials become irrelevant.

Either we harness the power of our people and our resources and change the direction of our political landscape to restore the greatest form of government the world has ever seen, or we let the pace of world government (United Nations) overtake our laws and rights leaving us without any right of self-government or personal rights or the right to own property.

The first step is to start voting not as Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Green Party, or whatever other political flavor of the day, but voting as “Americans” for our freedoms, our rights to own property, to choose our profession, to choose where we live, and to choose with whom we fellowship.

As one of my favorite commentator’s used to say, Wake Up America!

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