
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Convicted Al-Qaida Spy Works For IRS

We continue our efforts to expose the infiltration of radical Islamists in America, and especially the Obama administration. Unfortunately, we never have to hold our breath for long before another case is presented.

This time, via Investors Business Daily, we learn there’s more than a “smidgen of corruption” at the IRS — there just may be treason.

Mohammad Weiss Rasool, who was busted by the FBI several years ago for spying on behalf of al-Qaida, reportedly now works for the deputy IRS chief financial officer as a financial management analyst, drawing a lucrative salary at taxpayer expense.

So now, a Muslim man convicted of abusing sensitive government data has access to the sensitive financial data of millions of Americans at an agency known for abusing such information. Sounds like a perfect fit actually.

As we previously reported, the Obama administration had loosened immigration restrictions on individuals who had provided material support to terrorist activity.

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