
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Man Jailed For Filming Cops Lands Settlement

An Orlando man jailed for filming a police officer got more than his phone back.

Alberto Troche, who sued Orlando police for wrongfully jailing him and taking his phone, received $15,000 in a settlement, the Orlando Sentinel reported this week.

According to the lawsuit, Troche saw police arresting a man late one night in December of last year. Based on cries of pain from the man being arrested, Troche thought police were using excessive force and pulled out his phone to record. Several others did the same.

Police arrested Troche for recording the officers. Troche claimed he stood 10-15 feet away from the arrest and never interfered. He spent 15 hours in custody and didn’t get his phone back for three weeks.

In a video of the incident, police can be heard yelling at an indignant crowd. Police threaten to take their cell phones because they were recording, and then appeared to confiscate cell phones. They claimed the phones were needed for evidence.

In the video, a police officer can be heard shouting, ”We need the camera now!”

Someone in the crowd responded, “They can’t take your camera,” followed by, “Aw hell no! They cannot do that.”

“Anybody else wanna keep videotaping, I’ll take your phone for evidence as well!” an officer yelled over the crowd.

The officer then became sarcastic, saying “Please continue videotaping. I encourage it.”

Then, an officer moved toward the man video taping and grabed his phone.

“I’ll be taking that,” the officer says. Suddenly, the video ends.

Local news discovered that the officer who allegedly took the phone, Peter Delio, was the subject of a long list of complaints. Since November 2008, the officer was accused of “causing a traffic crash but arresting the other driver,” and “arresting the wrong person in a domestic violence dispute,” among other incidents.

A security guard who worked with Delio accused the officer of unprofessional conduct and explosions of anger.

City spokeswoman told the Orlando Sentinel she was unaware of any policy changes related to the suit.

Article at:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

On-The-Run Terrorist Group ISIS Seizes Non-Existent Stockpile Of WMDs In The ‘Over’ Iraq War

The Iraq War is supposed to be “ended,” or so the administration claimed, but the heavily armed “terrorist army” ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) is rampaging through Iraq and has taken control of a chemical weapons complex. The Telegraph reports:

The jihadist group bringing terror to Iraq overran a Saddam Hussein chemical weapons complex on Thursday, gaining access to disused stores of hundreds of tonnes of potentially deadly poisons including mustard gas and sarin.

Isis invaded the al-Muthanna mega-facility 60 miles north of Baghdad in a rapid takeover that the US government said was a matter of concern.

The facility was notorious in the 1980s and 1990s as the locus of Saddam’s industrial scale efforts to develop a chemical weapons development programme.

As reports have stated before, there were “wmds” in Iraq, but there has been dispute over how dangerous they were, and speculation that the most toxic and potent chemical weapons were smuggled to Syria. About that:

Isis has shown ambitions to seize and use chemical weapons in Syria leading experts to warn last night that the group could turn to improvised weapons to carry out a deadly attack in Iraq.

Even CNN reported that these chemical weapons were still “dangerous.” Wait, wasn’t that the rationale for the Iraq invasion? Preventing terrorist groups like the Sunni extremists in ISIS from getting their hands on wmds? Even old chemical weapons containing mustard or sarin could be improvised for explosive devices.

There are links to more articles below. They report about the non-existent yellowcake uranium that, according to Joe Wilson, Saddam didn’t have. I printed them to PDF’s several years ago in case they became too hot and were taken down. One is still on Funny, I never heard about it from CNN broad cast network!!  Four more were posted on the Internet sites of TIME, MSNBC, CBS and The New York Times. Don’t recall any of them reporting it on the air either. If I'm mistaken, perhaps someone can refresh my memory. 

If push comes to shove they can say they actually did report it. Yeah, but they hid it. I’m a bit surprised that they’re still on the internet.

We just can’t believe the leftists about anything.

Never forget: Dogs bark, snakes wiggle, buzzards vomit and leftists lie. It’s just their nature, according to Sen. H.L. Richardson, Ret.

Christopher Columbus: Criminal Or Anti-Caliphate Explorer?

Revisionist historians on too many of America’s college campuses – and most of the political left in this country for that matter – have painted a picture of Christopher Columbus the criminal, caricatured as a Spanish conquistador hell-bent on merciless destruction.

Every October, the debate begins over whether or not Columbus Day should be renamed, replaced, or outright abolished. The argument goes that honoring Christopher Columbus is condoning the rape, murder, and exploitation of the Americas and the indigenous peoples who lived here. Much is made over colonial imperialism and the imposition of “western civilization” on the native culture.

Was this the real Christopher Columbus? Was his 1492 voyage the beginning of America’s evil and imperialist history?

The answer will surprise you.

For starters, Columbus was neither Spanish, nor a conquistador. He was an Italian explorer who was determined to circumnavigate the globe to find an alternative trade route to India and China. By the fifteen century (1400s), Europe’s economy was beginning to expand considerably, and international trade was on the rise. The rise of Christianity, what most people regarded as a faith of reason, led to incredible scientific and economic advances that began lifting European standards of living. Additional income meant more consumerism, which led to increased trade across Europe and into Asia. Trade routes spanned across western Europe and through what was then called the Byzantine Empire, which was also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, and across the Bosporus River near Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) into Asia.

The rise of the Ottoman Empire, which was raised out of an earlier Islamic caliphate, effectively cut-off these trade routes to “Christianized” western European nation-states. By sacking Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman Empire effectively ended the Byzantine Empire, and established Islamic law in what is now modern-day Turkey. At the same time, Moorish kings still controlled the Iberian peninsula, on which are the nations of Spain and Portugal. With much of North Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Iberian Peninsula under control of what was, effectively, a caliphate, European nations were largely cut-off from trade routes to Asia.

That’s what Christopher Columbus aimed to remedy with his famous voyage.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Will There Be An Ebola Outbreak In America?

In the Digital Age, infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola are brought into our lives through our smart phones, tablets and laptops and we can easily access and quickly analyze the information we receive. As Americans get smarter and more savvy about how to sort through the kind of fear-based rhetoric that sells newspapers, we are able to better assess exactly what is going on with Ebola in Africa and the U.S. and ask good questions about what we are seeing.

Inquiring minds want to know the truth about why Ebola hemorrhagic fever has landed on American soil. Unfortunately, Congress and officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Departments of Defense (DOD) and Homeland Security are having a hard time coming up with answers that do not raise more questions.

More at:

Get accurate info on Candidates before you vote

Elections are just around the corner, and it can be very difficult to know how to vote, especially with all of the ad campaigns and false promises.

In today's Founders' Friday audio series we've invited Matt Kittle from to share some great online resources that you can use to really find out who each candidate is, their voting record, where they get their campaign money from, and much more.

Click here to listen now.

You can also copy and paste the address below into your browser.

Power Plant Closures

So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008

More than 72 gigawatts (GW) of electrical generating capacity have already, or are now set to retire because of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations. The regulations causing these closures include the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (colloquially called MATS, or Utility MACT)[1], proposed Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)[2], and the proposed regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.


To put 72 GW in perspective, that is enough electrical generation capacity to reliably power 44.7 million homes[3]—or every home in every state west of the Mississippi River, excluding Texas.[4] In other words, EPA is shutting down enough generating capacity to power every home in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Over 94 percent these retirements will come from generating units at coal-fired power plants, shuttering over one-fifth of the U.S.’s coal-fired generating capacity.[5] While some of the effected units will be converted to use new fuels, American families and businesses will pay the price with higher utility bills and less reliability for their electricity.

This report is an update of a report we first issued in October 2011.[6]  In the original report, we calculated that 28.3 GW of generating capacity would close as a result of EPA’s regulations. At the time, we warned, “…This number will grow as plant operators continue to release their EPA compliance plans.” Unfortunately, this statement has proven to be true and will continue to grow in the future as new EPA regulations continue to be released. This latest update shows that 72.7 GW of electrical generating capacity will now close—a 44.4 GW increase.

More at:

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Shocking Report Will Reveal How Doctors Hasten Death To Harvest Patients’ Organs

A silent and deadly epidemic is moving across America. No one is broadcasting it. No one is writing about it. Almost no one is even talking about it. But every day in hospitals, nursing homes and hospices across the country, more and more of our medically vulnerable loved ones are being euthanized.

Indeed, some physicians have admitted to this behavior. A 1998 article from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that hastening death is occurring and is not rare. In a survey of 355 oncologists, “(15.8%) reported participating in euthanasia or physician assisted suicide,” and “38 of 53 (72%) oncologists described clearly defined cases of euthanasia or physician assisted suicide.

These decisions are being made by paid medical professionals. And loved ones, to their horror, are finding they’re not even part of the discussion. The patients’ crimes? They’re charged with having insufficient quality of life, being too expensive to keep alive, and being beyond the reach of medical science and therefore beyond hope.

Such judgments may lie behind what seems to be an increase in the “brain death” diagnosis. The difficulty of making a pinpoint diagnosis in such complex neurological matters—and the lucrative financial incentives to harvest organs—will ultimately propel this issue into the forefront of public consciousness and discourse.

Not surprisingly, the current procurement market for human tissues and organs in the United States is booming, driven by insufficient supply and heavy demand. According to The Milliman Report (see page 4), if all 11 tissues and organs could be harvested from a single patient declared brain-dead, however unlikely, the going rate for procurement would exceed half a million dollars. If all costs related to those 11 transplants are counted—preparation, physicians’ services, post-op care and the like—the money involved exceeds $5.5 million.

More at:

Children Arrange for Doctor to Euthanize Their Parents

If this doesn’t scare you, nothing will.

A doctor has agreed to murder euthanize a healthy elderly Belgian couple who don’t want ever to live apart–and their three children approve. One even procured the death doctor. From the Daily Mail story:
elderlypatient20Their son, John Paul, 55, approached their doctor to request their euthanasia – which was legalised in Belgium in 2002 – but the doctor refused because there were no grounds for it. John Paul found another doctor willing to perform the killings in an unnamed hospital in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium in which 82 per cent of euthanasia cases are performed.

Francis said he and Anne were grateful for the arrangement. ‘Without our son and our daughter, it would never have succeeded,’ he said. ‘We are not sad, we are happy,’ he continued. ‘When we were told we could leave life together smoothly we were on a little cloud. It was as if we had spent all that time in a tunnel and suddenly we came into the light again.’

The couple’s daughter has remarked that her parents are talking about their deaths as eagerly as if they were planning a holiday. John Paul said the double euthanasia of his parents was the ‘best solution’. ‘If one of them should die, who would remain would be so sad and totally dependent on us,’ he said. ‘It would be impossible for us to come here every day, take care of our father or our mother.’

More at:

What Bo Snerdly Says About Abortion Will Blow Your Mind

Most people know James Golden as “Bo Snerdley,” the call screener, for the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

He recently gave an interview with The Daily Caller where he addressed the reaction that Black leaders had towards the now jailed abortion doctor convicted of murdering an abortion patient and several babies in his Philadelphia “House of Horrors” abortion clinic.

“How is it that [abortion doctor] Kermit Gosnell can practice in Philadelphia and do what he did to black women and black babies who were in some cases full term and do this without an outcry in a community for so long? How is that possible? And how it is possible that the only one interested in telling that story is a white movie maker from Ireland instead of people within that community? … It’s fine and dandy to stand out in Ferguson and throw Molotov cocktails and whine about life and be quiet about Philadelphia and Gosnell. Al Sharpton and the rest of that bunch should be ashamed of themselves.” ~ James Golden.

The District Attorney who indicted Gosnell explains the racist connection, “We think the reason no one acted is because the women in question were poor and of color, because the victims were infants without identities, and because the subject was the political football of abortion.”

Gosnell’s abortion employee, Tina Baldwin testified that Gosnell treated women differently, based on their race:

More at:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Mr. Legal" and "Mr. Illegal."

A friend just sent this to me and I wanted to share it with you!

"Mr. Legal" and "Mr. Illegal."

You have two families: "Mr. Legal" and "Mr. Illegal." Both families have two parents, two children, and live in  California .

1.. Mr. Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Mr. Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table."

Ready? Now pay attention...

2.. Mr. Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; 
Mr. Legal now has $31,231.00.

Mr. Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.0 0 per year. Mr. Illegal pays no taxes.
Mr. Illegal now has $31,200.00.

3.. Mr. Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year.
Mr. Legal now has $24,031.00.

Mr. Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year.
Mr. Illegal still has $31,200.00.

4.. Mr. Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year.  
Mr. Legal now has $18,031.00.

Mr. Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WIC and welfare.  
Mr. Illegal still has $31,200.00.

5.. Mr. Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year.  
Mr. Legal now has $9,631.00.

Mr. Illegal receives a $500.00 per month Federal Rent Subsidy. Mr. Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year.
Mr. Illegal still has $31,200.00.

6.. Mr. Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for car insurance. Some of that is uninsured motorist insurance. 
Mr. Legal now has $7,231.00.

Mr. Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200.00.

7.. Mr. Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc...

Mr. Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month.

8.. Mr. Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Mr. Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family and friends.

9.. Mr. Legal's and Mr. Illegal's children both attend the same elementary school.  Mr. Legal pays for his children's lunches, while Mr. Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch.  Mr. Illegal's children have an after school ESL program.  Mr. Legal's children go home.

10. Now, when they reach college age, Mr. Legal's kids may not get into a  State  School and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help, even though Mr. Legal has been paying for State Schools through his taxes, while Mr. Illegal's kids "go to the head of the class" because they are a minority.

11. Mr. Legal and Mr. Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Mr. Legal paid for them and Mr. Illegal did not pay.

Do you get it, now?

If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens...
You are part of the problem!

It's way PAST time to take a stand for  America and Americans!

Nothing Fails Like Success

The successes of the market go unheralded, while the occasional glitches of market coordination (more often than not caused and aggravated by government policies) are portrayed as failures justifying yet more government intervention, with the problems caused by that action also blamed on the market.

Low Prices

Another success of market economies is the steady reduction in the real prices of ever-higher-quality goods and services resulting from the relentless struggle of suppliers for increased market share and profits, by reducing production costs and passing those efficiencies on to consumers in the form of ever-lower prices. Consumers obviously like lower prices, and one would think that the market’s success at providing them would be widely appreciated. But this is not quite true. If appreciation is measured by shopping behavior, then it is clear that low prices are appreciated in the marketplace. This appreciation does not always carry over, however, into the realm of public opinion.

For example, Wal-Mart is the most successful retailer in America because of its “everyday low prices,” serving tens of millions of customers every week. But this popularity is not reflected in public opinion polls. A national poll conducted in 2005 by the firm Zogby International found that 56 percent of American adults agreed with the statement “Wal-Mart was bad for America. It may provide low prices, but these prices come with a high moral and economic cost.” The criticism of Wal-Mart focuses on the claims that it (1) exploits its employees by paying them low wages with meager fringe benefits, and (2) harms communities by bankrupting local businesses and destroying the jobs they provided. These criticisms are part of a long history of successful firms being criticized by those wanting political protection against the wealth-creating discipline of the marketplace.

Like Wal-Mart, many successful companies have paid, and continue to pay, rather low wages because they have found ways to employ low-skill workers more productively and at higher pay than other employers. In the case of Wal-Mart, this is reflected in the fact that every time it opens a new store, there are far more job applicants than available jobs. This is good news for workers and consumers, with the former earning higher pay than in their best alternatives and the latter ­receiving better goods and services at lower prices. Of course, all successful companies put some competitors out of business and ­destroy the jobs they provided. But this is the market discipline that is constantly redirecting resources, including labor, out of employments where they produce less value and into employments where they produce more. Unfortunately, criticism that successful firms create low-paying jobs and cause bankruptcy and layoffs resonate with the public because seeing real and imaginary costs associated with market discipline is much easier than understanding how that discipline is essential for increasing prosperity. And public concern over the “high moral and economic cost” of low prices, along with the political influence of organized interests that work to foster and inflame that concern, leads to policies that reduce market discipline and put a drag on economic growth.

In the case of political opposition to successful retailers that lower prices, the effect has been primarily to delay their expansion. But there are more costly examples of politicians and their special-interest clients claiming that the market’s success at lowering prices is a problem requiring a government solution that reduces our freedom and prosperity. Political restrictions are imposed on our freedom to buy low-priced foreign goods because of the belief that free markets in those goods drive down American wages and destroy American jobs. Price-support programs keep ­agricultural prices artificially high because many are convinced that free markets in agricultural goods would destroy the family farm and threaten a stable food supply. And antitrust suits are brought against efficient firms that lower prices because it is widely thought that such firms will bankrupt their competition and become monopolies.

More at:

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

From Scotland To America: Passing The Torch Of Freedom

For over 1,000 years the brave Scottish people reasoned, prayed, and fought for the cause of liberty. The spirit of bravehearts like William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and John Knox still runs deep in the American soul. To understand our great hope for recovering freedom and prosperity in America today, it is vital to understand the Scottish fight for liberty.

As the 14th century neared, the English King Edward “Long Shanks” was brutally tyrannizing the Scots and men like William Wallace. Long Shank’s hyper-taxation, land theft, and wholesale murder without trial broke all the rules of Common Law and Magna Carta (the heart of the English constitution). He even passed laws giving his nobles prima nocta (or first rights of nobles to rape Scottish women on the day of their weddings).

After his wife was brutally ravaged and killed by the English, William Wallace raised a citizen army of Scots to throw off English oppression. He became Scotland’s greatest patriot by inspiring his men to fight for liberty based upon their God-given rights guaranteed in Magna Carta and Common Law, all rights derived from the Bible. Wallace was eventually defeated and martyred. But in 1314, Robert the Bruce, King of the Scots, picked up the torch of freedom. He defeated the English oppressors at the Battle of Bannockburn, obtaining liberty in Scotland for 200 years.

Soon after, the Scots wrote the Declaration of Arbroath. This was the first of their biblically based freedom documents. Their words cry out to us through the ages and inspire millions even today. “For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honors that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”

But over the next 200 years, the government abuse under the so-called “divine right” of kings, nearly wiped out freedom once again. The kings of England were burning Scotland’s most sincere believers in the streets.

Then, gloriously, in the 16th century, the original document of freedom, the Bible, was unleashed in the language of the people in Scotland. In 1558, after centuries of semi-pagan barbarity, the Scottish people were led to the Savior and His Word by a former bodyguard, galley slave, and then powerful preacher, John Knox. With their new biblical understanding, they were the first nation to put limits on the power of government (checks and balances). Within a decade the Scots succeeded in dethroning their tyrannical queen.

The struggle for liberty against government oppression would go on for another century. But a number of precious freedom documents were created during this time of trial in Scotland.

When the English Stuart Kings, James, and Charles, attempted to destroy true biblical faith, the Scots met in the Greyfriar’s church yard and signed their National Covenant of 1638. Many Scots signed the document in their own blood, swearing never to compromise their faith or that of their children.

The Christian Scots were declaring to the world that their rights came from God, not from the king (or any government leader, court or legislature). Therefore, a ruler, cannot force his arbitrary laws upon the people and expect them to passively follow.

To understand this bold National Covenant we must realize that these Scottish men in kilts were not just playing war games. They did not promote anarchy, as have most modern revolutions up to our time. They were biblically and intellectually prepared to stand against oppression, even unto death, by men like the eminent Professor Samuel Rutherford. Rutherford’s book, Lex Rex, written in 1644, stands even today as the premier defense of the biblical rights and responsibilities of people to resist tyranny (out of control government) and to restore the rule of law (God’s law).

More at:

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Soviet Socialist State Of South Carolina

The SC Legislature has been trying for at least a year or more to pass the Dilapidated Buildings Act (S 375). This would give the SC Counties the same authority as the cities, outlined in this newsarticle. The Senate recently passed it and the House scheduled it for fast track on the last day they were in session. Fortunately, enough SC citizens found out and bombarded them with emails and phone calls and they decided not to act on it. The citizens’ action may be a day late and a dollar short the next time. This is not going to go away. They’ll try to sneak it past us again in the future. Once they appropriate the same authority for the counties, the state will be next. This is what is referred to as incrementalism by the communists. Yes, I used the “c” word. If that offends you, get a life.

I’ve contacted Senators about this to protest from the first time I heard about it over a year ago. A couple replied to my email with the attitude like “You poor little misguided nincompoop. Why is it you don’t understand that this is good for you. Just listen to us brilliant legislators and we’ll explain why we’re smart and you’re dumb.” Another one arrogantly responded to me that I’d never seen the “property police”. Got news for you senator, you’re wrong on that count and you’re also a liar. I have seen and heard from them. That’s why I thank God I don’t live in the city limits. Most of our cities are basically communist enclaves. It’s not about sanitation, safety or health. It’s about power over the people. As in this newsarticle the authority to confiscate your property and prosecute you before a compliant judge is given to an unelected and unaccountable bureaucrat. They love that Gestapo like power and interpret the laws according to their wishes. Don’t look to your elected officials to help you. They may make excuses. Excuses are simply white washed lies. Telling lies is what “politicians” do best. They may even agree with you but they like having someone deliver while they’re not accountable. I even downloaded S 375 in Word 2010 format, highlighted certain parts and added notes outlining my concerns. I then attached it to an email and forwarded it to my local Tea Party board of directors asking them to take some action even before the senate passed it. Well, that was a great big waste of time. If anyone would like a copy of the legislation with highlights and notes send me your contact information. I’ll be glad to email it to you. It’s only 8 pages and not difficult to read.

We need to be vigilant and work together to make sure such legislation is never passed in South Carolina. If we don’t many of us may be in jail or living under a bridge in the not too distant future. We’ve elected smiling, dishonest “politicians” that have no character or even extremely poor character. If we don’t unite and replace the “politicians” with representatives with character in the next and future elections, well, where’s that bridge again?