
Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Soviet Socialist State Of South Carolina

The SC Legislature has been trying for at least a year or more to pass the Dilapidated Buildings Act (S 375). This would give the SC Counties the same authority as the cities, outlined in this newsarticle. The Senate recently passed it and the House scheduled it for fast track on the last day they were in session. Fortunately, enough SC citizens found out and bombarded them with emails and phone calls and they decided not to act on it. The citizens’ action may be a day late and a dollar short the next time. This is not going to go away. They’ll try to sneak it past us again in the future. Once they appropriate the same authority for the counties, the state will be next. This is what is referred to as incrementalism by the communists. Yes, I used the “c” word. If that offends you, get a life.

I’ve contacted Senators about this to protest from the first time I heard about it over a year ago. A couple replied to my email with the attitude like “You poor little misguided nincompoop. Why is it you don’t understand that this is good for you. Just listen to us brilliant legislators and we’ll explain why we’re smart and you’re dumb.” Another one arrogantly responded to me that I’d never seen the “property police”. Got news for you senator, you’re wrong on that count and you’re also a liar. I have seen and heard from them. That’s why I thank God I don’t live in the city limits. Most of our cities are basically communist enclaves. It’s not about sanitation, safety or health. It’s about power over the people. As in this newsarticle the authority to confiscate your property and prosecute you before a compliant judge is given to an unelected and unaccountable bureaucrat. They love that Gestapo like power and interpret the laws according to their wishes. Don’t look to your elected officials to help you. They may make excuses. Excuses are simply white washed lies. Telling lies is what “politicians” do best. They may even agree with you but they like having someone deliver while they’re not accountable. I even downloaded S 375 in Word 2010 format, highlighted certain parts and added notes outlining my concerns. I then attached it to an email and forwarded it to my local Tea Party board of directors asking them to take some action even before the senate passed it. Well, that was a great big waste of time. If anyone would like a copy of the legislation with highlights and notes send me your contact information. I’ll be glad to email it to you. It’s only 8 pages and not difficult to read.

We need to be vigilant and work together to make sure such legislation is never passed in South Carolina. If we don’t many of us may be in jail or living under a bridge in the not too distant future. We’ve elected smiling, dishonest “politicians” that have no character or even extremely poor character. If we don’t unite and replace the “politicians” with representatives with character in the next and future elections, well, where’s that bridge again?

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