
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

McCain, Graham Helping Osborn In Nebraska GOP Primary

2 RINO's = 2 jackasses wearing elephant costumes
Former Navy pilot Shane Osborn is getting help from two of the most prominent moderates in the Senate in his campaign for the GOP nomination for an open senate seat in Nebraska. 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he had donated to Osborn and that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is planning to travel to Nebraska to help Osborn raise campaign funds. 

“I've given him money,” Graham told Breitbart News, adding, “I think John McCain's going out to help him, he's a great candidate.”

The endorsements could help Osborn on the money trail, but they are unlikely to motivate Nebraska voters the way former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will help Ben Sasse, a university president and former George W. Bush aide she endorsed. 

McCain seemed to realize his imprimatur may not be a godsend for Osborn in a primary that has emerged as a key proxy battle between the national Tea Party groups and the GOP Establishment.
Asked about his Nebraska travel plans, McCain jokingly uttered a string of expletives to express his displeasure that Graham had told a reporter about the issue. 

“I haven't gone yet. I hadn't had plans to go yet. I am supporting him,” McCain said, adding that he was in the process of donating funds to Osborn.

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