
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Last Week Was A Bad Week For Abortion As Pro-Lifers Win More Victories

Oh, how the tide has turned against abortion. Just last week, there were three stunning setbacks to the pro-abortion movement.

The first came Tuesday during oral argument in the Hobby Lobby case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The left wing of the Court was having a field day by predicting a parade of horribles if Hobby Lobby were to obtain a religious exemption from contraceptive regulations that violate its owners’ consciences.

prolifeimage11But then, Justice Anthony Kennedy, the swing vote in the Court, startled liberals with a comment he made to the Obama administration’s attorney: “Under your view, a for-profit corporation … could be forced in principle to pay for abortions.”

Kennedy evidently opposes compelling anyone, even for-profit corporations, to pay for abortions. Kennedy has not ruled in favor of abortion in more than two decades, and he is the decisive fifth vote on the issue.

Barely minutes had elapsed after Kennedy’s remark when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit independently issued its own stunning decision against the abortion industry.

It upheld the defunding of Planned Parenthood by the state of Kansas, in Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri v. Robert Moser. Kansas limited, as all states should do, the distribution of federal family planning money under Title X to public entities, hospitals and federally qualified health centers that provide full health care services.

Planned Parenthood is not on the list to receive this taxpayer money, and it ran into court to get a trial judge to block the good law. But on appeal, the 10th Circuit reinstated the law and even held that Planned Parenthood lacked a legal basis to challenge it.

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