
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2nd Circuit Judge Deems Asylum-Seeking Chinese Christian “Not Christian Enough”…

What does an immigration judge and a Biblical scholar have in common? Nothing, at least according to The U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. A ruling by immigration judge Barbara Nelson, who denied asylum to a Chinese Christian refugee based on his lack of “biblical doctrinal knowledge” was overturned on Thursday, allowing the chance for a second hearing. For months, Chang Qaing Zhu was beaten and imprisoned for attending a church non-sanctioned by the Chinese government. Appearing before immigration judge Barbara Nelson in 2009, he sought U.S. asylum from religious persecution. His petition was denied after he “failed” her Bible quiz.

Asked to “prove” his Christianity to the judge, Chang Qaing Zhu allegedly recounted his conversations with Chinese authorities while in prison about the conversion of the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus.  “Astute” judge Barbara Nelson wasn’t buying it. Nelson reportedly asked the immigrant to explain the story of Paul to her in court, including what year Paul’s conversion experience happened.  How in the world did a judge, in her great wisdom, think that a Chinese refugee-without access to Bibles, Sunday School, or Christian teachings-could do so? Nelson ultimately ruled that Chang’s response was “evasive” and “hesitant,” and she decided not to grant him asylum, determining he was not credible in his claims of being a Christian.

According to The New York Daily News, The 2nd Circuit vacated Nelson’s decision and ordered a new review Thursday that opens the door for Zhu to stay in the United States. The U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals found the immigration judge was wrong to find Zhu not credible.

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