
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

One Mind

So that with one mind and voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6

What is on your mind right now? Are you thinking about work, marriage, your children, a relationship, health, an upcoming event, money, politics, a decision you need to make, a loved-one who is far away or even serving in the military? Maybe your mind is not filled with deep thoughts at this moment, only a few distractions or daily stuff like, “What am I going to fix for dinner?” I have learned that when life seems shattered or my thoughts are scattered, my greatest strength, shield, and solution is to unite with God through prayer. I am going to ask you to pinpoint whatever it is that is on your mind and pray about it right now. Just pause for a moment and whether it is a praise, a word of thanks, a need, a decision, or even a deep situation that needs a miracle; lift it up to God right now.

Now, how do you feel? I pray that you know how deeply your heavenly Father loves you, but even more, I pray that you would make up your mind right now to allow God to be glorified in whatever circumstance you just lifted up to Him in prayer. It may surprise you that I use the word, “allow.” We do not usually think of the creation allowing its Creator to do anything – we submit to Him. The truth is that Christ is supreme; all that exists was knit together and is held together by Him, but as humans, we tend to keep a close watch or even a tight grip of control on all that concerns us. We may pray about it but then we continue to worry, or even impatiently manipulate or facilitate what we think needs to happen in order to achieve our desired outcome. Acts 2:42-43 describes the early Church as being continually devoted to the teaching of the gospel, connecting with fellow believers, prayer and the sense of awe that they felt. God is glorified through our prayerful trust and awe of Him.

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