
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Citizen To Agency: I'm Prepared To Take This To Court

Readers may recall John Dalen, the contractor and Westminster resident who refuses to purchase a business license on the grounds that running one’s business is a protected right, not a privilege to be paid for. Dalen’s case strikes us as logical. Imprudent, possibly, but principled and logical.
If his case were to be tried in court, we have no idea what would happen, but the implications are potentially far-reaching. And so we were interested to receive his latest update, reprinted below.
I thought I would update readers on my adventures with local and state authorities who feel I should have to pay a fee in order to exercise a constitutionally guaranteed right – the right to own and run my own business.
You’ll remember I defeated the City of Clemson’s attempt to fine me $500 for not having a business license.

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