
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

S.C. Funeral Licensing Panel Discourages Sales Of Cheap Caskets, Critics Contend

Death isn’t cheap these days.

Critics say regulations of South Carolina’s funeral industry block competition for those who want to buy an inexpensive casket. But they likely won’t get a sympathetic ear from a state lawmaker-funeral director who has successfully pushed funeral-related bills in recent years.

The nonprofit Funeral Consumers Alliance of South Carolina (FCASC) wants Gov. Nikki Haley’s regulatory-review task force to push reforms in an industry where nine of 11 members of the state Board of Funeral Service are, according to the alliance, industry insiders. Alliance President Gere Fulton has contended that the board’s makeup creates a “cartel” against competition.

“South Carolina’s a right-to-work state unless you want the right to build a casket, and then you have to join the union (comply with all state rules),” Fulton told The Nerve earlier this week.

A wooden casket can sell for $300. In comparison, the cost of a metal casket in the Columbia area ranges from $957 to $11,000, according to a 2012 pricing study of Columbia-area funeral homes conducted by the FCASC. One Columbia-area funeral home listed a casket for $32,700, that study revealed.

South Carolina's funeral industry has its supporters in the state General Assembly. A review by The Nerve of recently passed laws impacting the funeral industry found that Rep. Bill Sandifer, R-Oconee and chairman of the House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee, has been particularly successful in that area. Sandifer is a licensed funeral director and embalmer, S.C. Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR) records show.

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