
Sunday, September 29, 2013

S.C. Senate Staffers Receive Hefty Pay Raises

by Rick Brundrett
Sept. 27, 2013

In the pay-raise race, the S.C. Senate is running neck and neck these days with the House.

A review by The Nerve of salary data obtained under the state Freedom of Information Act found that 33 Senate staffers earning at least $50,000 annually received pay raises since March 2012 ranging from 8.15 percent to more than 67 percent, with 15 employees garnering pay hikes of more than 10 percent.

A total of 46 staffers in the $50,000-plus club received raises during the 18-month period; 12 received increases of 5.06 percent, The Nerve’s review found. State employees last fiscal year, which ended June 30, received a 3 percent increase, courtesy of the General Assembly.

Senate Clerk Jeffrey Gossett, the chamber’s top administrator, was among 18 Senate staffers who received an 8.15 percent raise. His salary during the period jumped by $12,463, to $165,429 from $152,966, bringing it line with House Clerk Charles Reid’s pay, whose current salary is $164,196, records show.

Meanwhile, the median household income in the Palmetto State dropped by nearly 11 percent from 2000 to 2012 when adjusted for inflation, according to a report released last week by the U.S. Census Bureau.

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