
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Senate Breaks the Cruz-Lee Filibuster of the Anti-gun ObamaCare Law

Friday, 27 September 2013 19:39  
Written by Gun Owners 

-- The battle moves back to the House
“The only way to avert disaster is to fully repeal this anti-gun, ObamaCare monstrosity.  [At] a minimum, funding for ObamaCare should cease immediately.” -- GOA statement in postcards landing on congressional desks over the past several weeks
The Senate today, by a vote of 79-19, overcame the Cruz-Lee filibuster that was aimed at defunding the anti-gun ObamaCare law. The Senate action allowed Majority Leader Harry Reid to amend the Continuing Resolution by reinserting funds for ObamaCare -- funding that the House had stripped out last week.
Many of the speeches today on the Democrat side of the aisle lambasted Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (RUT) for trying to “slow down the legislative process” and for threatening a government shutdown.
What each speaker ignored, however, was that Senate Democrats could have passed the House version of the bill (without funding for ObamaCare) and sent it to the President TODAY.  This would definitely have avoided the very shutdown they were supposedly trying to avert.
The battle now moves back to the House where Republicans will have to decide whether they are going to stand tough or give in to Harry Reid’s wishes.
This fight is incredibly important.  Some pundits think that the implementation of ObamaCare will result in the health care system “falling apart on its weight.”  So they say we shouldn't fight this now, because losing today will result in us winning tomorrow.
The problem with that thinking is this:  Can anyone name just one example of socialism that, once implemented in this country, was later fully repealed?  One would be hard-pressed to think of such an example.

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