
Saturday, September 28, 2013

McCain Schools Cruz (Shut up kid! We lost!)

“We fought as hard as we could in a fair and honest manner and we lost.”

September 27, 2013

Said war-hero, McCain. He then continued,

    “One of the reasons was because we were in the minority, and in democracies, almost always the majority governs and passes legislation,”

“The people spoke” ~Senator John McCain (speaking on Ted Cruz and Obamacare)

“in democracies… the majority governs”. “Democracy”. You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Last I checked Sen. McCain, what we have is a Representative Republic and you, sir are a Representative.

For 26 years you’ve been sent to Washington (a good case for term-limits) with a mandate from the majority of those in your State; not a majority of Americans, to represent your constituents (but, hey… don’t let that whole “State elections” thing get in the way).

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“We fought as hard as we could in a fair and honest manner and we lost.”

Said war-hero, McCain. He then continued,
“One of the reasons was because we were in the minority, and in democracies, almost always the majority governs and passes legislation,”
The people spoke” ~Senator John McCain (speaking on Ted Cruz and Obamacare)
in democracies… the majority governs”. “Democracy”. You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Last I checked Sen. McCain, what we have is a Representative Republic and you, sir are a Representative.

For 26 years you’ve been sent to Washington (a good case for term-limits) with a mandate from the majority of those in your State; not a majority of Americans, to represent your constituents (but, hey… don’t let that whole “State elections” thing get in the way).


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