
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rival Religions: Christianity VS. The Public Schools

This book was a follow-up on his 1961 book, Intellectual Schizophrenia. In that book, he set forth the Christian case against the concept of neutral education. He also set forth the case against tax-funded education.

Rushdoony received an M. A. degree in education from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1940. He had assembled by 1963 what most people would regard as an immense personal library, and heavily represented in it was the field of education. He had access to superior libraries, including Stanford University. This is why he was able to reference so many obscure publications that had not seen the light of day in decades. They may have not seen the light of day for a century.

In The Messianic Character of American Education, Rushdoony presented the primary theme of the book on page 2:

    But if skills are only a necessary but subordinate part of freedom, then in themselves they cannot constitute a liberal education, however necessary to it. The question again remains basically a religious question, and, to its credit, progressivism has been essentially a religious movement, as indeed has been the whole of the movement from Horace Mann to the present, to liberate man by means of a universal system of state-supported schools.

Rushdoony went through the primary source documents relating to the two dozen founders of American progressive education. Most of the documents which he cited had been long out-of-print. They had been long forgotten. Most of the founders of progressive education had been forgotten by 1963. Only a handful of specialists in the history of the education were ever aware of most of these individuals. So, the book represented not simply educational revisionism, but a much-needed introduction to the educational philosophies undergirding the system of tax funded education in the United States.

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Agenda: Grinding America Down

Documentary evidence shows that cultural subversion, its agents and tactics for the destruction of American society from within, their values ​​and morals in order to justify the presence of a socialist totalitarian government.

Shows connections from Karl Marx with revolutionary radical movements like feminism, environmentalism, gay rights movement, etc., as Gramsci Marxist authors, Fabian Society, etc., coming up to Obama.

Shows the targets, and why are attacked, and tools, and why they are used.

Tales Of The Red Tape #41: The FDA's Latest Mission Creep(iness)

Federal regulations already dictate the shape, color, size, and content of the nutrition panel on food labels. Not good enough, apparently. The diet squad at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is preparing to track eye movements to uncover the “subconscious and conscious factors” behind our grocery choices. They plan to use the findings to “help” us improve our eating habits (i.e., more regulation).

Creepy, right?

There is no shortage of nutrition information on food labels. The packaging for most every product specifies the proper serving size (absolute and percentage of daily value), calories, total fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate (dietary fiber and sugars), protein, vitamins, and nutrients. The FDA’s regulatory “guidance” on current labeling requirements runs 122 pages (and is available in Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish).

But Frito-Lay and Oscar Mayer are still in business, which to the folks at the FDA must mean that either the current rules are insufficient or Americans just don’t understand what’s good for them. By plumbing our subconscious, the agency expects to discover new ways to regulate labeling that would somehow compel us to abide by government’s caloric prescriptions. They fail to consider that we don’t need (or want) such assistance.

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The Thanksgiving Menu: Overstuffed With Regulations

On the fourth Thursday of November, our attention naturally turns to food and football the Pilgrims who celebrated America’s first Thanksgiving. After great privation, a bountiful harvest inspired the Plymouth colony to lay a great feast.

That they survived is remarkable. After all, there was no Environmental Protection Agency to restrict the greenhouse gases escaping from all that burning wood. No Department of Labor to inspect the whipsaws, augers, and chisels employed in home construction. Nor was the U.S. Department of Agriculture at the ready to dole out subsidies and manage crop production.

But lo, anarchy there was not. The intrepid Pilgrims organized themselves (themselves!) to protect kin and hearth through the Mayflower Compact. Signed on November 11, 1620, the compact obligated its signatories to “solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony.”

Alas, “from time to time” has given way in the modern age to “incessantly.” There is virtually no aspect of our lives over which laws and ordinances do not reign. In the Obama Administration’s first term alone, regulatory burdens on Americans increased by nearly $70 billion.

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6,300 Reasons The Government Is Dead Wrong On Farm Subsidies

Congress has been wrangling for months over how to trim the taxpayer burden of bountiful subsidies to farmers. Here’s a thought: Stop paying the dead ones.

Between 2008 and 2012, we now know, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) disbursed more than $36 million to some 6,300 farmers who had bought the farm (so to speak). The improper payments were revealed in a recent report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Taxpayers may take some solace from the fact that the number of expired payments has declined. For example, the USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), which oversees income subsidies and disaster payments, had paid a whopping $1.1 billion to 172,801 deceased farmers between 1999 and 2005.

At the suggestion of the GAO, the agency in 2007 began computer-matching the names of subsidy recipients against the Social Security Administration’s “death master file.” (About time.) Consequently, the agency has recouped about $1 million out of a total of $3.3 million in improper FSA payments for fiscal years 2011 and 2012. The rest apparently remains with bereaved relatives or business partners of the intended recipients.

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Friday, November 29, 2013

EPA Preparing To Unleash A Deluge Of New Regulations

Happy holidays from the Obama administration. Federal agencies are currently working on rolling out hundreds of environmental regulations, including major regulations that would limit emissions from power plants and expand the agency’s authority to bodies of water on private property.

On Tuesday, the White House released its regulatory agenda for the fall of 2013. It lists hundreds of pending energy and environmental regulations being crafting by executive branch agencies, including 134 regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency alone.

The EPA is currently crafting 134 major and minor regulations, according to the White House’s regulatory agenda. Seventy-six of the EPA’s pending regulations originate from the agency’s air and radiation office, including carbon-dioxide-emission limits on power plants.

Carbon-dioxide limits are a key part of President Barack Obama’s climate agenda. The EPA is set to set emissions limits that would effectively ban the construction of new coal-fired power plants unless they use carbon capture and sequestration technology. Next year, the agency will move to limit emissions from existing power plants — which could put more older coal plants out of commission.

“The proposed standards, if finalized, will establish achievable limits of carbon pollution per megawatt hour for all future units, moving the nation towards a cleaner and more efficient energy future,” the agency said in its agenda. “In 2014, EPA intends to propose standards of performance for greenhouse gas emissions from existing and modified power plant sources.”

Hundreds of coal plants that have been closed or slated for early retirement due to Environmental Protection Agency regulations, according to coal industry estimates.

“Already, EPA regulations have contributed to the closure of more than 300 coal units in 33 states,” said Laura Sheehan, spokeswoman for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.

However, the agency isn’t just working on limiting emissions from coal plants. The EPA is also working on a rule that would expand the definition of “waters of the U.S.” under the Clean Water Act to include water on private property.

Republicans have hammered the EPA’s draft water rule as the largest expansion of agency power in history.

“The EPA’s draft water rule is a massive power grab of private property across the U.S. This could be the largest expansion of EPA regulatory authority ever,” Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith. “If the draft rule is approved, it would allow the EPA to regulate virtually every body of water in the United States, including private and public lakes, ponds and streams.”

The EPA’s rule is heavily supported by environmentalists who argue that it’s necessary to protecting water quality. Smaller water sources, they argue, eventually affect larger water sources that people use for recreation or their livelihood.

“It’s taking the way the Clean Water Act works back, so that it works the way water works in the real world,” Bob Wendelgass, president and CEO of Clean Water Action, told Fox News.

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Hero Tales of American History

It is a good thing for all Americans, and it is an especially good thing for young Americans, to remember the men who have given their lives in war and peace to the service of their fellow-countrymen, and to keep in mind the feats of daring and personal prowess done in time past by some of the many champions of the nation in the various crises of her history.

Thrift, industry, obedience to law, and intellectual cultivation are essential qualities in the makeup of any successful people; but no people can be really great unless they possess also the heroic virtues which are as needful in time of peace as in time of war, and as important in civil as in military life.

As a civilized people we desire peace, but the only peace worth having is obtained by instant readiness to fight when wronged—not by unwillingness or inability to fight at all.

Intelligent foresight in preparation and known capacity to stand well in battle are the surest safeguards against war. America will cease to be a great nation whenever her young men cease to possess energy, daring, and endurance, as well as the wish and the power to fight the nation’s foes.

No citizen of a free state should wrong any man; but it is not enough merely to refrain from infringing on the rights of others; he must also be able and willing to stand up for his own rights and those of his country against all comers, and he must be ready at any time to do his full share in resisting either malice domestic or foreign levy.

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The KinderGarden Of Eden: How The Modern Liberal Thinks

I ran into my brother in the fight against progressive socialism, Evan Sayet, last Saturday evening at the David Horowitz Freedom Center “Restoration Weekend” in Palm Beach.

Evan was kind enough to give me an autographed copy of his recent book, The KinderGarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks and Why He’s Convinced that Ignorance is Bliss. It’s a great read and only 123 pages long and I highly recommend it if you want to understand the imbecilic nature of today’s modern liberals.

Evan does a great job establishing the difference between the classical liberal thought of John Locke and others as opposed to the post-World War II modern liberalism that plagues our country.

Evan lays out the fundamental laws of modern liberalism:

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Do Americans Prefer Deception?

There’s more to the deceit and dishonesty about Social Security and Medicare discussed in my recent columns. Congress tells us that one-half (6.2 percent) of the Social Security tax is paid by employees and that the other half is paid by employers, for a total of 12.4 percent. Similarly, we are told that a Medicare tax of 1.45 percent is levied on employees and that another 1.45 percent is levied on employers. The truth of the matter is that the burden of both taxes is borne by employees. In other words, we pay both the employee and the so-called employer share. You say, “Williams, that’s nonsense! Just look at what it says on my pay stub.” OK, let’s look at it.

Pretend you are my employer and agree to pay me $50,000 a year, out of which you’re going to send $3,100 to Washington as my share of Social Security tax (6.2 percent of $50,000), as well as $725 for my share of Medicare (1.45 percent of $50,000), a total of $3,825 for the year. To this you must add your half of Social Security and Medicare taxes, which is also

$3,825 for the year. Your cost to hire me is $53,825.

If it costs you $53,825 a year to hire me, how much value must I produce for it to be profitable for you to keep me? Is it our agreed salary of

$50,000 or $53,825? If you said $53,825, you’d be absolutely right. Then who pays all of the Social Security and Medicare taxes? If you said that I do, you’re right again. The Social Security and Medicare fiction was created because Americans would not be so passive if they knew that the tax they are paying is double what is on their pay stubs — not to mention federal income taxes.

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Superb video: Reagan vs. Obama – Social Economics 101

Some of you may have seen this video before but the lesson is ever more prescient and needed today. Winston Churchill said, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” 

 My conservative philosophical mentor, Thomas Sowell, offered, “We have traded that which works, for that which sounds good.” 

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Tell USDA To Reject The GE Apple!

After decades of promises from the biotech industry that genetically engineered (GE) food would feed the world, cure the sick, reduce agricultural dependence on toxic chemicals, and save countless crops from imminent collapse, industry is poised to finally release a product they think will solve a problem humans have struggled with for centuries… an apple that doesn’t brown when you slice it… Seriously; we couldn’t make this stuff up.

GE apples are being touted as the best thing since…well, since sliced apples. In our homes, we just add a little lemon juice. Gosh! We have been living in the Stone Age!

While these GE apples are a waste of time and money, we don’t want to downplay the real concerns about them. Pre-sliced apples are actually a frequently recalled food product. Once the whole fruit is sliced, it has an increased risk of exposure to pathogens. Since browning is a sign that apples are no longer fresh, “masking” this natural signal could lead people to consume contaminated apples, which is why some folks are calling it the “botox apple.”

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

‘The Definition of Bullying’: Church VS. State Threat Leads Another School To Cut Ties With ‘Operation Christmas Child’

Just days after a South Carolina charter school came under fire and subsequently dropped support for Operation Christmas Child, an annual outreach to poor children that is operated by Samaritan’s Purse, an evangelical Christian organization, another public school in Colorado has done the same.

But while SkyView Academy, an elementary school in Highlands Ranch, Colo., officially cut ties with the group, parents are fighting back with an effort of their own to make sure that the outreach goes on as planned.

Church vs. State Claim Leads Another School to Drop Student Support for Operation Christmas Child Outreach

The school announced last week that it will be severing its relationship with Operation Christmas Child, ending two years of participation in the outreach, The Christian Post reported.

Students at the school had been raising funds and were preparing to put shoe boxes together for children in need. This was halted, however, when the American Humanist Association recently wrote a letter threatening a lawsuit if the charter school didn’t stop working with Operation Christmas Child.

The letter warned that the school is violating the separation of church and state by facilitating student participation in a Christian outreach — one that shares the Bible’s central message along with items for kids in need.

So, looking to avoid a lawsuit, SkyView Academy sent a subsequent note to parents and explained that the school would be halting to project.

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Brain Dead Liberals Stuck In The 1960's

It's almost impossible to disprove it when someone accuses you of believing something, and it's doubly difficult when it is verbalized in the negative. "Prove to me that you don't believe the world is flat," a challenger might demand. The question is not, "Prove that the world is round." The question so posed is "Prove that you don't believe it is flat." If you try, you will go in ever diminishing circles like the proverbial Wang Wang bird until you disappear you know where.

The latest challenge--and this has been going on for many years, but has gained momentum since 2008--is for a person to prove he or she is not a racist. That's almost impossible to prove. You can say you aren't. You can point to deeds you have done that, to any sensible person, will go a long way to prove you aren't. You can even have testimonials from friends, former students, work colleagues, and others who are members of a minority race, but none of these will prove to your challenger that you aren't a racist.

That's because most liberals are brain dead. They are caught in the 60s. They live in enclaves, either physically or virtually. They keep repeating over and over again the words that have been given to them by race baiters in the liberal establishment that are mostly Democrats, until they firmly believe them.

Sarah is a friend of mine. She just graduated from high school, but she was in middle school during the 2008 election year. Sarah is Caucasian and when the kids in that middle school cast their ballots for the straw vote that probably went on in thousands of schools across this country, she was immediately challenged by girls her age who weren't Caucasian. "Who did you vote for?" they demanded to know. "McCain," Sarah truthfully answered. "You're a racist!" they screamed at her.

"Who did you vote for?" Sarah asked them. "Obama," they said in unison. "Why?" Sarah asked. "'Cause he's Black," they truthfully answered. "Who's the racist now?" Sarah wanted to know. They threatened to beat her up, so Sarah fled the scene.

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The Attack on Americanism!

It seems lately there is no end to the stories highlighting what appears to be an all-out attack on Americanism.
A school district in Sioux Falls, SD has decided that the Pledge of Allegiance is more of a bother than its worth. The school board voted 5-0 to stop the Pledge of Allegiance from being recited in high school because they can’t find the 15 seconds to do it. One of the board members told the news source that in high school there is very little time in the mornings or afternoon to pull it off. Can you say LIAR?!
These people need to be recalled. Let’s say, for argument’s sake, it takes 2 minutes start to finish, from the kids getting on their feet, to saying it, and then sitting back down. Two minutes. Do 2 minutes less of morning news. Cut the lunch period by 2 minutes. Cut sex education by 2 minutes. How about we just shut down the school all together, then we have all day to do it?
Do these administrators and educators understand that what the pledge stands for and what the flag stands for is what gives them the right to be idiots? The freedoms these things represent include people dying for them in other countries!
Then these yo-hos go on to say that the pledge will have more meaning if we only do it once in a while. Really? How does that work? You mean I’ll understand something and learn it better if I’m not as exposed to it and don’t do it as often?

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Sick Story Of Genetically Modified Organisms

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is created in the lab using scientific methods to splice characteristics or traits of one plant on to the DNA of another plant in order to obtain a desired result (such as resistance to pests to produce higher yield crops). While on the outside this may appear to be a potentially beneficial process for humans, the negatives associated with genetic engineering (GE) and genetic modification (GM) are quite substantial.

The Organic Consumer's Association (OCA) has a summary of the major hazards of promoting genetically engineered crops and foods, and here are the highlights:

Toxins and poisons, causing disabilities, short and long-term health problems, and even death in some cases.
Increased cancer risk because of genetically engineered hormones given to feed animals.
Skyrocketing food allergies as a result of foreign proteins being spliced into the gene structures of our foods.
Reduced food quality and nutritional values.
Increased exposure to pesticide residues because of the agrochemicals being used on GE crops (contrary to GE propaganda which argues that these crops don't need as many chemical treatments).
Genetic pollution as bees, birds, and insects pollute non-GMO crops with GM genetic matter, resulting in the potential loss of wild species of plants and insects.
Reduction in the populations of beneficial insects and soil fertility.
Contributions to the creation of superbugs and superweeds as well as new viruses and pathogens as these pests become immune to the herbicides and pesticides genetically built into GE crops.
Dismantling of small farm systems that support farming families.

Examples of genetically modified foods
There are only a few GM vegetables and fruits that are allowed to be distributed and/or grown in the US, yet because these are highly versatile foods, they can be found in a vast number of processed and prepared foods - everything from soda to potato chips to veggie burgers to pasta.

These are the genetically engineered crops allowed in the US food supply:
Corn (including canola and corn oils, high fructose corn syrup, etc)
Cotton (including cottonseed oil)

How to Avoid GMO food
Read the PLU labels. If the five digit PLU number starts with "8," the food is either genetically modified or genetically engineered (not all GM foods can be identified because PLU labeling is optional). If the five digit PLU number starts with "9," it's organic. Also, by watching for the absence of either the 8 or 9, which means the produce is neither organically grown or genetically modified, you can recognize traditionally grown produce.

Buy foods labeled "100% certified organic." Laws in both the U.S. and Canada do not allow food labels that say "100% certified organic" to contain any genetically engineered food, including animals that have been fed genetically modified feed. Be aware, however, that if the food is simply labeled "organic" it can still contain genetically modified ingredients up to 30%.

Look for the labels "non-GM" or "GMO-free." These can be hard to find, but if you are able to support manufacturers that produce foods that are not genetically engineered you encourage other manufacturers to follow their lead.

Buy whole, fresh foods rather than processed ones. Foods that you cook and prepare yourself are almost always healthier than anything you can buy ready-made.

Full Documentary       Approximately 1 1/2 hour

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Three-fold Increase In Mass Shootings In Step With Increased Psychiatric Drugging

The U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, recently announced that the rate of mass shootings in the U.S. is increasing. Although the information could hardly come as a surprise to most Americans, what is interesting is that the nation’s top cop provided no clues as to what may be causing this severe increase in deadly violent acts.

As Holder reported, the annual number of mass-shooting incidents in the U.S. has tripled since 2009 and, remarkably, the average number of shootings has increased from 5 per year before 2009 to 15 per year since.

While the data about the ever-increasing random shootings is important, it doesn’t mean spit unless someone in a position of power is willing to seriously question what is causing the violent behavior. A beginning point might be to ask if there is a common denominator among the shooters.

For instance, at the same time that mass-shootings have increased in the U.S., so has the use of prescription psychiatric drugs.  If one considers this list of well-publicized shootings between 1999 and 2013, it is clearly evident that the majority of these shooters were either taking, or strongly suspected of taking, mind-altering psychiatric drugs.

The data that reinforce the psychiatric drugs and violence connection is overwhelming.

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Common Core Proponent Arne Duncan–Keep Poking The (Suburban Mom) Bears!

Common Core Warriors all over the nation are always watching, reading and learning more about the Common Core. Just when you think you know everything you will ever need to know about education, standards, pedagogy and teaching techniques something comes along and you find yourself on another track altogether.

There are also days and weeks that we can’t help but to place blame. We blame people, administrations, ideologies, and entire eras of education reform.

There is a special place in the blame game of a lot of Common Core Warriors, though. That place is exclusively reserved for Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education.  Why does he get claim to the immovable spot on our radar that will always loathe him?

Simply put, he can’t seem to keep his ignorant opinions from spewing forth out of his Joker (ala Batman) mouth.

Just in case we activists on the front lines of education ever get weary and wonder why we are doing this, Arne Duncan steps forward and reminds us of the very reason we are fighting to loosen the clutches of federal government hacks on our school children nationwide.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Longest Romance: The Mainstream Media And Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin during the Great Terror. He murdered more Cubans in his first three years in power than Hitler murdered Germans during his first six. Alone among world leaders, Castro came to within inches of igniting a global nuclear holocaust.

But you would never guess any of that from reading the mainstream American media. Instead we hear fawning accounts of Castro liberating Cuba from the clutches of U.S. robber-barons and bestowing world-class healthcare and education on his downtrodden citizens. “Propaganda is vital—the heart of our struggle,” Castro wrote in 1955. Today, the concept is as valid to the Cuban regime as ever.

History records few propaganda campaigns as phenomenally successful or enduring as Castro and Che’s. The Longest Romance exposes the full scope of this deception; it documents the complicity of major U.S. media players in spreading Castro’s propaganda and in coloring the world’s view of his totalitarian regime. Castro’s cachet as a celebrity icon of anti-Americanism has always overshadowed his record as a warmonger, racist, sexist, Stalinist, and godfather of modern terrorism. The Longest Romance uncovers this shameful history and names its major accomplices.

See Book at:

Lara Logan Came Clean — Now It’s Time For Dan Rather

Here’s what America didn’t see: “Juan Miguel Gonzalez was surrounded by Castro security agents the entire time he was in the studio with Rather.” This is an eye-witness account from Pedro Porro, who served as Dan Rather’s translator during the famous 60 Minutes interview. Dan Rather would ask the question in English into Porro’s earpiece whereupon Porro would translate it into Spanish for Elian’s heavily-guarded father.

“Juan Miguel was never completely alone,” says Pedro Porro. “He never smiled. His eyes kept shifting back and forth. It was obvious to me that he was under heavy coercion. He was always surrounded by security agents from the Cuba Interest Section (i.e. Cuban embassy) in Washington D.C. When these agents left him alone for a few seconds, attorney Gregory Craig would hover over Juan Miguel.

“The questions Dan Rather was asking Elian’s father during that 60 Minutes interview were being handed to him by attorney Gregory Craig,” continues Pedro Porro. “It was obvious that Craig and Rather where on very friendly terms. They were joshing and bantering back and forth, as Juan Miguel sat there petrified. Craig was stage managing the whole thing – almost like a movie director. The taping would stop and he’d walk over to Dan, hand him a little slip of paper, say something into his ear. Then Rather would read the next question into my earpiece straight from the paper.”

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An Open Letter To Oprah (Of Barack And Barry)

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American.”

No, Oprah. In all sincerity I disrespect Obama for the same reason I disrespect you… because he is not worthy of respect.

Hard as it is to believe, in some circles of this great and glorious land we call “America,” there are people who think for themselves. These are those who don’t wait for some overpaid, egocentric talk-show host to tell them what to believe, what to think, or how to vote. They are the countless millions who expect others to take responsibility for themselves and their own families.

You see, we grew up in a time when there was no Oprah show to tell us we were poor, downtrodden, mistreated and abused.

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ObamaCare Website Hidden Source Code Says Users "Have No Reasonable Expectation Of Privacy"

It just keeps getting crazier and crazier. 

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The Circle Of Socialism: The Real Story Of “Quantitative Easing” And The Federal Reserve

America’s got a massive deficit and debt problem. On that, most folks can agree. How it happened, however, is something many aren’t so certain to say.

The process of running up a $16 trillion Federal deficit may seem complex and convoluted, but it’s really no more complicated than the average American family swimming in a sea of credit card debt. The same principles are at play, and the same mistakes are being made.

Government, like most households, finances its spending in one of two ways: income (in the form of taxes for government / salaries and wages for households) or through the use of debt (Treasury securities for the government / credit cards, student loans, car loans, etc. for households).

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Ted Turner the Atheist Seeks God

Like most Liberals, Ted Turner is a slow learner. What the majority of Conservatives accept about God by age 10, only took Turner 70+ years: the avowed atheist now is seeking God.

We Christians warned the idiotic Left that there are no atheists in foxholes. Ted Turner is 75 years into his miserable life, and now finds himself staring into the abyss.

I know what you’re thinking: “Kevin, Turner was a billionaire, how could he be unhappy?”

Two reasons:

  1. Jane Fonda
  2. and money can’t buy you love and happiness

Here is an excerpt from a CNN article:


A series of sermons by David Moyer
Pastor Beacon Baptist Church


Matthew 7:24-25

24 Therefore   
whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

The Sense Of The Scripture Is Plain. The "Rock" Jesus Speaks Of Are The Very Words That Came Out Of His Mouth. Building Upon This Rock Means That One Is Wise; And Building Upon This Rock Makes One Wiser. Now, The Scripture Here Speaks Of The Word Of God. Many Believe That The Words Spoken Of Here Are Only Found In The “Original” Manuscripts Recorded By The Old And New Testament Writers. However Bible Believers Who Trust In The Preservation Of God's Words Know That Matthew 7:24-25 Also Speaks Of The Words We Have Today (Kjv). However For The Purpose Of This Portion Of Our Series We Will Look At The Copies Of The Original O.T. Scriptures To See Where The "Rock" Is. We Will See If Our King James Bible Is Wisely Translated From A "Rock" Or Sinking "Sand." And We Will See If The Modern Versions Are Translated From A "Rock" Or The Soft Foundation Of "Sand."

TRANSLATION DEFINED:  The act of turning into another language.

In Translation You Cannot Start With Nothing And Finish With Something; You Must Have A Foundation. Inspiration Is What Created That Foundation. Inspiration Begins With God And Creates The Foundation For Preservation. 2timothy 3:16 Says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:." If One Doesn't Accept Bible Inspiration Then One Will Never Accept Bible Preservation.

Preservation Defined:  The act of preserving or keeping safe; the act of keeping from injury, destruction or decay.

The "Originals" Are Long Gone. Copies Are All That Remain. However Mere Copies Will Not Do For The Word Of God To Be Perfectly Preserved For Today! Why? The Answer Is Simple. With The O.T. Originally Written And Copied Primarily In Hebrew And The N.T. Originally Written And Copied In Greek, They Are Two Separate Volumes. There Is Not One Volume In One Vulgar Or Common Tongue Of Today.

Furthermore There Are Differences In Copies Made From The Originals. Note The Chart Below:

These Copies Are The Foundation Upon Which All Translations Are Made. During The Course Of Our Study We Shall Discover Exactly What Copies The Kjv Translators Were Using In 1611 And What Copies The Translators Of Today Are Using.

There Is A Text For The O.T. And There Is A Text For The N.T. These Texts Are Broken Down Into Two Other Basic Categories; One For Each Of The Two Texts. We Will, For The Intent Of This Portion Of Our Series, Study On The Two Sets Of Texts For The O.T.


The Rock Or The Sand?

What O.T. Text Does Our King James Bible Rest Upon? From Which Was It Translated? Is It The "Rock" Or Is It The "Sand?"

The Blessed Old King James Bible Is Based Upon The Ben Chayim Edition Of What Is Called The 'Masoretic Text.' The Word 'Masoretic' Comes From The Hebrew Word 'Masor' Which Means 'Traditional.'

The Masoretes Were Jewish Men From Palestine, Babylon, And Tiberius Who Correctly Handed Down The Word Of God From Generation To Generation. They Guarded And Kept The Traditional  Text. The Chart Below Helps To Understand How And When The Masoretes Copied The O.T. Scriptures.

 To be continued